Our environmental policy
Here at the Bala Bunk House we are working towards a green & safe environment, we believe it is very important to do all we can for a greener future. We use environmentally Friendly Cleaning products and recycle all we can. We also encourage our guest’s to do a bit for the environment while on their stay here, we supply environmentally friendly “E-cover” washing up liquid (so leave the Fairy at home) and separate bins for recycling Plastics, Cans, Organic, and crates for bottles. All our lights are fitted with low energy bulbs and the cisterns are fitted with hippo bag water savers.
Future plans
We are planning to implement a staged environmental make over to the place, depending on cash and planning approval, To include solar panels on the south facing side of the Bunk House roof, Conservatory built of Oak and K glass again built on the front (south facing) of the Bunk House, rain water cisterns and to finish it off we are looking in to having a hydro electric, micro-turbines, installed in the stream at the back of the property, we also intend to research the possibility of installing a reed bed waste system instead of the septic tanks.
Our access statement.
Bala Bunk House is accessed from the main A494 via a gravel drive. both the main bunk house lounge/diner and the little cottage are accessed from the drive. The bunk house has a door threshold. .
The Bunk House lounge/diner is level through out leading to 3 steps going down to the Kitchen, shower and toilet rooms . And leading out through the back door (over threshold) to a small paved area and then down 2″- 50mm to the rear car park which is gravel and chippings.
The 3 bedrooms (sleeping 2,4 & 6) above the main bunk house are accessed via external uneven stone steps.
The little cottage is accessed again from the drive it has 6″-150mm step leading to threshold (temporary ramp available). As you enter the front door in to a small corridor there is a small toilet/washroom on the left. Then through the next door which opens in to the self-contained bunk room which is level through out having 1 Double bed sleeping 2 . There’s a shower room just on the left as you enter which has a 6″-150mm step into the shower tray. It has it’s own little kitchenette.
Terms & Conditions

All prices are as per the current price list unless otherwise agreed in writing. Accommodation charges are payable in advance. Cheques need to be supported by a Bankers Card or given time to clear. All cheques payable to NG & J Williams
Telephone bookings are welcome and held for one week to enable you to confirm and pay the provisional reservation deposit.
Invoice Payments.
All invoice’s should be paid in full within fourteen days of receipt of invoice unless the date of your groups arrival is less, in which case payment should be sent by return post.
Provisional Reservation deposit is 20% of total accommodation cost. It is payable when booking and not returnable if you cancel.
The Balance of Accommodation costs should be paid within four weeks.
A reservation is only guaranteed when it is paid in full. If you do not pay the balance on time we reserve the right to relet the reservation to another party. If we are able to do so we will return your deposit.
If you book less than four weeks before you come the full accommodation cost should be sent with your confirmation.

A provisional reservation confirmed with a deposit and acknowledged by us in writing is binding and because we then refuse other bookings for the same period we expect to be paid in full.* As with any other holiday it is wise to take out cancellation insurance.

Full service: The Coach House is essentially a self service establishment where you can stay for a very modest price by looking after yourselves. If your party is unable or unwilling to do it’s own chores you should tell us in advance so we can agree a mutually acceptable service charge.
Damage: Our insurance policy requires us to pay the first £250 of any claim so all breakages and damage must be paid for. We reserve the right to make our agreement to your occupancy conditional upon you paying a damage bond in advance.
Jane&Guy Williams

*It is with the utmost regret that we have adopted this policy. Weekends and peak times are frequently applied for by several groups well in advance and some have been prepared to pay our small holding deposit and cancel when it’s too late to replace the booking. When circumstances such as ill health or bereavement force you to change plans we will do what we can to find alternative customers for your booking. A proportionate reduction or refund will be made if we are able to relet all or part of your reserved space.

Check in time 3pm
Check Out 11am


for more information


Tomen Y Castell
United Kingdom
LL23 7HD

01678 520 738
